In this blog post, we explore the implementation of soft deletion in Entity Framework Core, a useful feature for cases where data needs a second step before being permanently deleted from the database. By marking data as "Deleted" rather than removing it completely, we can maintain a record of deleted items for further review or processing.
We begin by creating an example entity, `Post`, with properties such as `PostId`, `Title`, `Content`, and `IsDeleted`. The `IsDeleted` property indicates whether an item is considered deleted or not. Deleted items will not be selected by default, but can still be accessed using manual SQL queries.
Next, we create a `BloggingContext` class that inherits from `DbContext` and contains a `DbSet<Post>` property. We override the `OnConfiguring` method to configure the SQL Server connection, and the `OnModelCreating` method to add a filter that selects only non-deleted posts.
To implement soft deletion, we override the `SaveChanges` method in our `Bl...--GPT 4
In this blog post, we discuss how to support multi-tenancy in pure Entity Framework Core, a crucial feature that allows data to be separated by different tenants, ensuring no interference between them. The post outlines the process of implementing multi-tenancy without relying on ASP.NET boilerplate, focusing on creating an example entity, configuring the SQL Server connection, and adding filters for tenant-specific data.
The example entity, Blog, has a primary key, Id, and a TenantId that represents which tenant the blog belongs to. The table is grouped by TenantId, creating multiple collections of blogs. The BloggingContext class is created, taking a tenantId as input, and the SQL Server connection is configured by overriding the OnConfiguring method.
To ensure that developers only access blogs from the current tenant, a filter is added by overriding the OnModelCreating method. Additionally, when inserting an item into the table, the TenantId is automatically set by overriding the ...--GPT 4
本篇博客介绍了如何将Azure Media Player统计信息连接到Power BI Embedded,并通过六个步骤详细说明了实现过程。首先,您需要注册一个Azure AD应用程序并为其分配权限。然后,使用Azure AD应用程序的客户端ID和客户端密钥进行身份验证,以获取访问令牌。接下来,使用访问令牌创建Power BI客户端对象,以便与Power BI REST API进行交互。
在获取要嵌入的内容项后,为其生成一个嵌入令牌,该令牌将在JavaScript API中使用。最后,使用JavaScript将报告加载到网页上的div元素中,并根据需要添加筛选器。完成这些步骤后,您将成功将Azure Media Player统计信息连接到Power BI Embedded。
阅读本文,您可以了解如何在实际操作中实现这一过程,以及在过程中可能遇到的一些问题。此外,博客还提供了一些有趣的问题,例如:如何根据租户名为嵌入式Power BI页面添加筛选器?如何使用JavaScript API加载报告?如何生成特定于嵌入项的嵌入令牌?在阅读全文的过程中,您将逐步解答这些问题,并掌握将Azure Media Player统计信息连接到Power BI Embedded的技巧。--GPT 4