Anduin Xue
Anduin Xue

Anduin's Tech Blog


Use IIS or Azure App Service as a reverse proxy

In this blog post, we explore the process of setting up a reverse proxy using IIS or Azure App Service. Reverse proxies are beneficial for hiding the origin server's identity and improving performance, security, and load balancing. Before configuring the reverse proxy, it's essential to install IIS and the necessary extensions, such as RequestRouter and Rewrite. Once installed, enable the proxy settings in the IIS management tools and create a new reverse proxy rule by configuring domain bindings and HTTPS certificates. Creating a web.config file under the site root path is crucial for adding rules, such as redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS and setting up the real reverse proxy logic. The blog post provides a detailed example of setting up a reverse proxy for Aiursoft.IO and a simpler example for To further enhance security, the HSTS feature can be enabled by adding specific code to the web.config file. For deploying the reverse proxy server to Azure App Service, simply ...--GPT 4

IIS web.config Reverse Proxy Web Azure App Service Azure

Using IIS and web.config to support large file upload

本篇博客讨论了如何使用IIS和web.config来支持大文件上传。默认情况下,IIS Web服务器允许上传有限大小的文件。对于IIS 6和IIS 7,最大文件上传大小分别为4MB和28.6MB。如果有人上传超过30MB的文件,IIS 7会返回一个404错误。为了允许更大文件大小的上传,需要进行一些服务器更改。 更改web.config文件可能会解决此问题。但有时我们只想在发布构建时生成web.config文件,并继续使用默认生成的web.config文件。我们需要将默认生成的web.config文件转换为支持它的文件。 在web.config旁边放一个名为web.Release.config的文件,填充相应内容。发布构建后,您会发现web.config文件支持大文件上传。但您可能会遇到另一个问题,当您请求带有URL编码参数的路径时,服务器可能会返回404。要解决这个问题,您还需要转换web.config文件,尝试使用以下配置。 通过本篇博客,您将学会如何使用IIS和web.config来支持大文件上传,以及如何解决可能遇到的一些问题。这将有助于您在实际应用中更好地处理大文件上传的需求。那么,如何充分利用这些配置来优化您的服务器性能呢?--GPT 4

IIS web.config ASP.NET ASP.NET Core

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