Anduin Xue
Anduin Xue

Anduin's Tech Blog

All Posts in 2024.2

Ubuntu 22.04 Network Diagnostic Handbook

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to diagnose network interfaces in Ubuntu 22.04. It covers various methods, such as using the `ip` command, checking the routing table, and testing HTTP connections. The article also introduces the `networkctl` command, which supports various operations like renewing DHCP leases and bringing interfaces up or down. The author provides step-by-step instructions and examples to help readers follow along. Overall, this article is a useful resource for Ubuntu users who need to troubleshoot network issues.--GPT 4

Linux Ubuntu Network NetworkManager Networkd Netplan

Mirror YouTube channel to watch videos with best experience

This article explains how to mirror YouTube channels to watch videos without ads and interruptions, using the command-line tool youtube-dl. The author provides a script that downloads videos from a list of YouTube channels and saves them to a local folder, which can be added to the media library of a media server like Jellyfin. The article also explains how to expose the video folder to the internet via a web server and play the videos using other players like VLC. The step-by-step instructions are detailed and easy to follow, making it a great guide for anyone who wants to watch YouTube videos without ads.--GPT 4

Web Linux Ubuntu Python Youtube Jellyfin VLC

Setup a Ubuntu apt mirror server

This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on how to set up an Ubuntu apt mirror server. The process begins with installing the `apt-mirror` package and configuring the `mirror.list` file to specify the source you want to mirror. The author then explains how to start mirroring and where the downloaded files will be stored. The next step involves configuring a web server using Aiursoft.Static, including modifying permissions for accessibility and creating a systemd service for automatic startup. The guide continues with instructions on how to configure a reverse proxy using Caddy and finally, how to configure your client to use your mirror source. The author concludes by stating the benefits of setting up an Ubuntu mirror, such as bandwidth saving and faster software package downloads. Would it be possible to further optimize this process? How secure is this setup?--GPT 4

Web Linux Ubuntu Cache Server apt Mirror

基于 Docker Swarm Mode 建设你家里的数据中心!

在这篇博客中,我们将深入探讨如何使用 Docker Swarm Mode 建设家庭数据中心。文章首先介绍了 Docker Swarm Mode 的基本概念,包括其特性、优势以及与其他技术如 Kubernetes 的对比。接下来,我们详细阐述了如何在家庭环境中配置和使用 Docker Swarm Mode,包括网络设置、数据存储、服务管理等关键步骤。 在文章中,我们还讨论了使用 Docker Swarm Mode 建设数据中心的一些潜在问题和挑战,例如网络安全、数据备份、系统稳定性等。同时,我们也提供了一些实用的解决方案和建议,帮助读者在实际操作中避开这些问题。 文章最后,我们展望了 Docker Swarm Mode 在家庭数据中心建设中的未来发展,包括可能的新特性、技术趋势以及对现有架构的影响。我们相信,随着 Docker Swarm Mode 的不断发展和完善,它将成为家庭数据中心建设的理想选择。 这篇文章能否启发你思考如何利用现有的技术和资源,打造你自己的家庭数据中心?Docker Swarm Mode 又有哪些潜力和可能性等待你去探索和发掘?希望你在阅读本文后,能找到你自己的答案。--GPT 4

bash Linux Server Docker Container Docker Swarm Cluster Swarmpit