Anduin Xue
Anduin Xue

Anduin's Tech Blog


Setting up your own Docker image mirror

本文介绍了如何设置自己的Docker镜像镜像。首先,需要运行一个脚本来拉取和推送镜像到镜像镜像。然后,可以通过自己的镜像镜像来拉取镜像,而不是从源拉取。此外,还介绍了如何保护Docker镜像仓库,以防止未经授权的推送。最后,总结了通过设置自己的Docker镜像镜像所带来的好处,包括加快镜像拉取速度、降低存储需求和增加效率。通过使用私有镜像仓库,在中国境内可以快速、可靠地拉取镜像。--GPT 4

Caddy Docker Container Mirror Docker Hub

Setup a Ubuntu apt mirror server

This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on how to set up an Ubuntu apt mirror server. The process begins with installing the `apt-mirror` package and configuring the `mirror.list` file to specify the source you want to mirror. The author then explains how to start mirroring and where the downloaded files will be stored. The next step involves configuring a web server using Aiursoft.Static, including modifying permissions for accessibility and creating a systemd service for automatic startup. The guide continues with instructions on how to configure a reverse proxy using Caddy and finally, how to configure your client to use your mirror source. The author concludes by stating the benefits of setting up an Ubuntu mirror, such as bandwidth saving and faster software package downloads. Would it be possible to further optimize this process? How secure is this setup?--GPT 4

Web Linux Ubuntu Cache Server apt Mirror

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