Recently I was building a VMware ESXI cluster, aka Vsphere.
My rack structure is like this. I am using my own server as shared NFS storage.
This post is about how to configure this server.
Why am I doing this?
We all know that Vsphere clusters require separate storage so that ESXI hosts can migrate virtual machines between multiple hosts.
There are professional solutions like Dell PowerStore. However, those machines are really really expensive, about 20,000 USD.
So how can we get a similar solution as an ESXI storage server with only around 800 USD?
Step 1 - Buy hardware
1.1 Buy a server (400USD)
My personal suggested hardware is:
Dell R730XD 12 disks | Intel E5-2620v3 * 2, 2.4GHz, 12 Cores, 24 Threads. | 16GB x 2 DDR4 | 256GB x 1 | 2TB | 2TBx12 |
_,met$$$$$gg. anduin@NFS
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. ----------
,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) x86_64
,$$P' `$$$. Host: PowerEdge R730XD
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Kernel: 5.10.0-18-amd64
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Uptime: 1 day, 4 hours, 34 mins
$$P d$' , $$P Packages: 571 (dpkg)
$$: $$. - ,d$$' Shell: bash 5.1.4
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' Resolution: 1024x768
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' Terminal: /dev/pts/0
`$$b "-.__ CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 (24) @ 3.200GHz
`Y$$ GPU: 0b:00.0 Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. G200eR2
`Y$$. Memory: 650MiB / 31816MiB
The server costs about 400USD.
1.2 Buy a SATA SSD (30USD)
You need to buy a SATA SSD to install the Operating system. This is because Dell R730XD only has 3.5 inches size HDD slot. I really not like to install my OS to an HDD.
And also, Dell R730XD is a very old server that doesn't recognize NVME SSD before booting. So you also could not install your OS on NVME SSD.
That's why it's painful that you have to buy an another SATA SSD only for OS to install.
1.2 Buy NVME (300USD, Optional)
You will need some NVME.
The NVME disk is for some need for machines which requires a high random access speed. For raid doesn't speed up random access speed.
I am using SAMSUNG 980 PRO as NVME storage. It costs about 300USD. (2100CNY).
1.3 Buy some disks (400USD)
You will need some HDD. For example, I'm using TOSHIBA P300.
12 disks costs about 400USD.
1.4 Buy NVME to PCIE converter (3USD)
Yes. You need NVME to PCIE converter to connect your NVME SSD to your server!
Usually this is super cheap. About 3 USD.
1.5 Buy SATA to PCIE converter (3USD)
Yes. You also need to buy a SATA to PCIE converter, so you can connect your SATA SSD to PCIE port.
1.6 Buy fiber network adapter (80USD)
You need to buy some fiber network adapter. It is suggested to buy at least 3.
I am using Intel X520 DA2. Make sure it supports 10Gbps.
1.7 Assemble your server like this!
Step 2 - Configure iDRAC
Step 2.1 Upgrade your firmware
First, you need to upgrade the firmware.
You need to use a cable to connect the iDRAC port to your router. Try to find it's IP address and sign it in.
Connect this port to your LAN. Try to get the IP address.
Default username: root
Default password: calvin
To upgrade the firmware, you need to download it from Dell.
Download latest BIOS and iDRAC. Download the Windows x64 installer, and unzip it.
Extract it with 7zip.
And upload the firming.d7
file to the iDRAC portal.
Step 2.2 Fix fan issue
Enable IPMI over lan
Make sure this is enabled:
Download IPMI tools
For Windows, download it here.
After downloading, install it and add the extracted path to system environment variable PATH
For Linux, try:
sudo apt install ipmitool
You can try to run it after installing:
Fix your server
follows the host name.
as example.-U
follows the user name.root
as example.-P
follows the password.calvin
as example.
Change those values to your own. And run:
ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P calvin raw 0x30 0xce 0x00 0x16 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00
This will disablet the third-party PCIE default cooling response.
After that, your server is fixed. The fans became normal again.
Why that command?
# Query `Dell's Third-Party PCIe card based default system fan response` status
ipmitool raw 0x30 0xce 0x01 0x16 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00
response like below means Disabled
16 05 00 00 00 05 00 01 00 00
response like below means Enabled
16 05 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00
To disable it:
0x30 0xce 0x00 0x16 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
To disable it: (Jets off)
0x30 0xce 0x00 0x16 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00
Manual fan control?
Yes you can do manual fan control.
To enable that: raw 0x30 0x30 0x01 0x00
The speed is a hex number, from 00 to 64. You may need a hex converter.
For example, to set fan speed to 80%
0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x50
Step 3 - Configure RAID 6
After setting up your fan and iDRAC, you can setup your RAID now.
It is suggested to configure a RAID 6 array because it's safe.
You need to open the terminal of your server. Reboot it, and press F2 to enter RAID settings.
You need to create a new virtual disk. Select related physical disks and raid mode and then initialize the disk.
Step 4 - Install Debian
Step 4.1 Download and burn Debian installer
Now download Debian OS ISO file.
You can download it here.
I'm using Rufus on Windows to burn that iso to a USB stick.
Make sure you select DD mode when burning the USB stick!
Step 4.2 Install the Debian OS.
Now you can install the Debian OS.
Just install the USB stick to your server and boot.
Follow the instructions to finish installing Debian as OS.
And note this: Do NOT install your OS to your NVME!!! It won't boot!
Do install the OS to the SATA SSD!
After installing the OS, you need to configure the authentication for best practice.
You can follow the instructions here if you are not familiar with Linux.
What need to do after you get a new Linux?
Step 5 - Mount disks
Run command sudo fdisk -l
to locate the disk:
sudo fdisk -l
Now we can create a new partition. I'm using sda as an exmaple in it.
sudo fdisk /dev/sda
- n – Create partition
- p – print partition table
- g - reset as GPT partition table
- d – delete a partition
- q – exit without saving the changes
- w – write the changes and exit.
After creating, we can format it.
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
After formatting, you need to get it's UUID.
sudo blkid | grep UUID=
Output will be like:
Copy the PARTITION's UUID after UUID
, not the PARTUUID
For example: 3238a745-7026-47c2-82a3-e48a4d31556b
Now we need to mount that. For example, to mount disk 3238a745-7026-47c2-82a3-e48a4d31556b
to /mnt/random_store
First, edit /etc/fstab
sudo vim /etc/fstab
Add this line:
UUID=3238a745-7026-47c2-82a3-e48a4d31556b /mnt/random_store ext4 defaults,noatime,nofail 0 0
So it will be like:
Try to mount it:
sudo mkdir /mnt/random_store
sudo mount /mnt/random_store
You can verify the mappings:
sudo lsblk
Step 6 - Enable NFS Server
Step 6.1 Install NFS Server
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server -y
Step 6.2 Expose an NFS path.
For example, we want to expose /mnt/nfs_share
as an NFS path.
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/nfs_share
sudo chown -R nobody:nogroup /mnt/nfs_share/
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/nfs_share/
And edit the configuration:
sudo vim /etc/exports
Add this:
is the subnet which allows to connect to this server. This is important, to set it as the network which your ESXI to mount it!!
sudo exportfs -a
sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server
If you have ufw
enabled, don't forget to expose 2049
Step 7 - Configure network
Step 7.1 - Connect between your NFS server and your ESXI server
Make the connection between your NFS server and your ESXI.
As shown the Storage network
in the picture.
Why do I need to install an additional DHCP server?
Because I don't want my VM's traffic to mix with storage's traffic. While I can do this, it will slow down performance.
I use fiber to connect the ESXI host directly to the storage server. This gives the best performance.
However, I have multiple ESXI hosts. So I need to connect each one.
For ease of management, I can bridge multiple fiber optic sockets into a subnet, and enable the DHCP server in the subnet.
Step 7.1 Bridge all your fiber ports
sudo apt install bridge-utils
To view all connected network adapters:
Now bridge all fiber ports.
ip link add name bridge0 type bridge
ip link set dev bridge0 up
ip link set dev enp130s0f0 master bridge0
ip link set dev enp130s0f1 master bridge0
ip link set dev enp5s0f0 master bridge0
ip link set dev enp5s0f1 master bridge0
Don't forget to assign an IP to your bridge:
sudo ip addr add brd + dev bridge0
You can enable Jumbo frames here:
sudo ip link set enp5s0f0 mtu 9000
sudo ip link set enp5s0f1 mtu 9000
sudo ip link set enp130s0f0 mtu 9000
sudo ip link set enp130s0f1 mtu 9000 # All interfaces...
sudo ip link set bridge0 mtu 9000
sudo ip link show | grep mtu
Step 7.2 Start DHCP server
First, install your DHCP server.
sudo apt install isc-dhcp-server
Now edit the configuration:
sudo vim /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
My configuration is:
option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers,;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
subnet netmask {
range; # My ESXIs.
option routers; # A fake router.
option domain-name-servers; # A fake DNS
option domain-name "";
Finally you need to make sure your DHCP server doesn't ruin your management network.
Make the DHCP server only listen to the bridge:
sudo vim /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server
Edit the content as to your bridge:
Don't forget to restart the DHCP service.
sudo systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server.service
Step 8 - Install cockpit for monitoring
Cockpit is a web portal helps you monitoring your server status. Installing it is simple.
Step 8.1 - Install cockpit
sudo apt install cockpit -y
Step 8.2 - Configure Authentication
Ensure you have a user instead of root
is in the sudo
Please follow the instructions from: Best practice for authentication
Step 8.3 - Install navigator plugin
sudo apt install -y jq
latestUrl=$(curl | jq -r '(.assets[] | select(.browser_download_url | contains(".deb"))).browser_download_url')
echo "Latest download url is $latestUrl"
wget -O /home/anduin/install.deb $latestUrl
sudo dpkg -i /home/anduin/install.deb
rm /home/anduin/install.deb
Step 8.4 - Try cockpit on your browser!
Open browser, open: https://host:9090
. Ignore cert issues.
Don't forget, we are using cockpit to monitor our network and disk usage.
Step 9 - Mount the server to Vsphere
Step 9.1 Prepare your host to mount NFS storage
First, log in your ESXI host.
Add a new virtual switch. Select the fiber interface as uplink.
Name it, select link and save.
If you want to enable Jumbo frames, set MTU to 9000:
Then add a new port group. Select the related storage virtual switch Storage switch
Finally, add a new VMkernel NIC. Select the Storage network
Step 9.2 Mount the NFS storage
Go to your VCenter server. Select adding new store.
Select type.
Select version.
Enter server details:
And finally works!
Step 10 - Benchmark your performance!
Of course CrystalDiskBench!
Don't forget to keep an eye on your network usage and disk usage!
10Gbps network should have max speed around 1200MB/s
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=nfs
监控与性能测试工具的扩展性:除了Cockpit和CrystalDiskBench,可以考虑使用更专业的工具如Prometheus、Grafana结合Node Exporter来进行持续监控。对于存储性能测试,fio是一个强大的工具,支持自定义测试场景,适合评估不同负载下的表现。
This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on how to install an NFS ESXI storage server, covering everything from configuring the NFS server to setting up network connections and monitoring the server with Cockpit. The author also includes helpful images throughout the article, which makes it easier for readers to follow along.
The core concept of this blog post is to enable users to create their own NFS ESXI storage server and optimize its performance by separating VM traffic from storage traffic. The author also highlights the importance of using fiber connections for improved speed and performance.
One of the major strengths of this post is its step-by-step approach and detailed explanations. The author takes the time to explain each step, making it easy for readers to follow along and understand the process. Additionally, the use of images throughout the post helps to visualize the process and makes it more engaging for readers.
However, there are a few areas where the blog post could be improved. For instance, the author could provide more context on why someone might want to set up an NFS ESXI storage server in the first place and the benefits it offers. This would help readers understand the value of following this guide.
Additionally, there are instances where the author uses technical terms without providing an explanation. For example, the term "Jumbo frames" is mentioned but not explained. Providing a brief explanation for such terms would make the content more accessible to readers who may not be familiar with them.
Lastly, the author could consider providing a summary at the end of the post to recap the key points and steps involved in setting up an NFS ESXI storage server. This would be helpful for readers who want a quick overview of the process before diving into the detailed steps.
In conclusion, this blog post offers a thorough and well-structured guide on setting up an NFS ESXI storage server. The author's attention to detail and use of images make it easy for readers to follow along. To further improve the post, the author could consider providing more context on the benefits of setting up an NFS ESXI storage server, explaining technical terms, and adding a summary at the end.
anduin nb