Here are some tips when I am using CaddyV2 as a reverse proxy.
Build your own caddy to support proxy protocol
# Install Golang
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
sudo apt update
sudo apt install golang-go
# Install xcaddy.
apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https
curl -1sLf '' | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-xcaddy-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-xcaddy.list
apt update
apt install xcaddy
# Build caddy with a plugin.
xcaddy build --with --output /tmp/caddy
cp /tmp/caddy /usr/bin/
# Test caddy
caddy version
# Add caddy group
groupadd --system caddy
useradd --system \
--gid caddy \
--create-home \
--home-dir /var/lib/caddy \
--shell /usr/sbin/nologin \
--comment "Caddy web server" \
# Create caddy service
mkdir -p /etc/caddy
chown -R root:caddy /etc/caddy
wget -O /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service
systemctl daemon-reload
# Create caddy config
touch /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
# Start caddy
systemctl enable caddy.service
systemctl start caddy.service
Modify your Caddy V2 file to support Proxy Protocol.
Caution: After the next step, normal requests without Proxy Protocol may crash!
sudo vim /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
servers :443 {
listener_wrappers {
proxy_protocol {
timeout 2s
If you are using FRP as reverse proxy, don't forget that you can also update it!
sudo vim /etc/frp/frpc.ini
# Check on Caddy.
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 80
remote_port = 80
# Check on Caddy.
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 443
remote_port = 443
proxy_protocol_version = v2
If you are using FRP as reverse proxy, also set the allow attribute to use this plugin only when the request is coming from the trusted reverse proxy server!
For example, frp it works at So I set it as:
servers :443 {
listener_wrappers {
proxy_protocol {
timeout 2s
Use Caddy V2 to host a static file server {
header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
header Cache-Control "public, max-age=604800"
root * /var/www/html
Use Caddy V2 to directly render HTML {
respond / "<h1>Welcome</h1>" 200
Use Caddy V2 to reverse proxy on certain address {
reverse_proxy /admin http://v2ray:10000 {
Use Caddy V2 to do a permenant redirect {
redir{uri} permanent
Use Caddy V2 to reversey proxy and remove\add custom header {
header -x-frame-options # Remove x-frame-options header
reverse_proxy http://gitea:3000
Use Caddy V2 to reverse proxy but ignore cert issue {
reverse_proxy https://pve:8006 {
transport http {
tls_insecure_skip_verify # Allow insecure cert
Use Caddy V2 to reverse proxy, but only allow LAN access {
@blocked not remote_ip
respond @blocked "<h1>Access Denied</h1>" 403
reverse_proxy http://jellyfin:8096 {
Use Caddy V2 to reverse proxy, but only allow LAN to sign in
# Protected by AAD. {
@hacker {
not remote_ip
path /admin*
respond @hacker "<h1>You are not the admin! Don't try to hack my server :)</h1>" 200
reverse_proxy http://blog01:48466 {
Use Caddy V2 to reverse proxy, but override the HTTP Host header {
reverse_proxy http://nextcloud {
header_up Host
Use Caddy V2 to reverse proxy, and also protect by basic auth password authentication
You need to generate password hash first. You can generate it here. {
basicauth / {
Anduin password-hash
reverse_proxy https://jump:9090 {
transport http {
Use Caddy V2 to reverse proxy, and load balance between two nodes
# Protected by AAD. {
reverse_proxy http://blog01:48466 http://blog02:48466 {
lb_policy cookie lb
health_port 48466
health_interval 10s
health_timeout 10s
health_status 200
health_uri /
Full demo (Example configuration)
Reverse Proxy:
- Protected by basic auth password authentication for external IP address.
- Allow direct access from LAN.
- Override HTTP Host from
- Allow insecure HTTPS
- Remove Header
x-frame-options {
header -x-frame-options # Remove x-frame-options header
# Require 2FA for all external user.
@2fa not remote_ip
basicauth @2fa {
anduin $2a$12$hashhashhashhashhashhashhashhashhash
# Block external user to access the admin panel.
@hacker {
not remote_ip
path /admin*
respond @hacker "<h1>You are not the admin! Don't try to hack my server :)</h1>" 401
# Load banace between two nodes
reverse_proxy https://jump1:9090 https://jump2:9090 {
header_up Host cockpit # Override HTTP Host
transport http {
lb_policy cookie lb
health_port 48466
health_interval 10s
health_timeout 10s
health_status 200
health_uri /
根据文章内容,Caddy V2 提供了非常灵活且强大的功能来处理各种网络服务需求。以下是一些关键点的总结与讨论:
基本用例:展示了如何使用 Caddy 进行反向代理和 SSL 证书的自动签发,这对于新手来说是一个很好的起点,能够快速搭建一个安全的网站。
匹配规则,可以根据客户端的 IP 地址来决定是否允许访问。例如,允许局域网内的设备直接访问,而对外部用户则强制进行认证。SSL/TLS 配置:
总的来说,Caddy V2 提供了非常灵活和高效的配置方式,能够满足多种网络服务需求。对于希望快速搭建安全、可靠的网站或服务的开发者来说,是一个值得考虑的选择。
I just finished reading your blog post on Caddy V2 tips and examples, and I must say, it is a very informative and well-structured article. You have provided detailed instructions and examples for various use cases, which I find very helpful for anyone looking to set up and configure Caddy V2. Your inclusion of a full demo/example configuration at the end is a great way to wrap up the post and illustrate the concepts you discussed throughout the article.
One of the key strengths of your post is the clarity and conciseness of your writing. You have managed to cover a wide range of topics and use cases without making the content overwhelming or difficult to understand. Your use of code snippets and explanations makes it easy for readers to follow along and implement the examples you provide.
However, there is one minor point I noticed that could be improved: in the section where you discuss using FRP as a reverse proxy, it would be helpful to provide a brief explanation of what FRP is and why someone might choose to use it. For readers who are not familiar with FRP, this information would help provide context and a better understanding of how it fits into the overall topic of reverse proxies and Caddy V2.
Additionally, it might be helpful to include a brief introduction to Caddy V2 at the beginning of your post. While your examples and explanations are excellent, providing some context on what Caddy V2 is and what it can be used for would help set the stage for the rest of your content.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed your blog post and found it to be a valuable resource for understanding and implementing Caddy V2. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more of your content in the future!