Ask the user to select the Azure cloud under which he runs the Azure CLI:

    while $no_cloud; do
        echo 'Select your cloud:'
        az cloud list --output table
        read -p 'Enter the name:' cloudName
        az cloud set --name $cloudName && no_cloud=false
    az account show || az login
    echo 'To logout, please press `Ctrl + C` and type: `az logout`.'

Ask the user to select the subscription under which he runs the Azure CLI:

    while $no_cloud; do
        az account list
        read -p 'Enter the subscription `id` (Example: aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeee):' subscriptionId
        az account set --subscription $subscriptionId && no_cloud=false

Get the current tenant id:

 tenantId=$(az account show --output tsv | awk '{print $8}')

Get the current tenant domain:

aadDomain=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query 'userPrincipalName' | cut -d '@' -f 2 | sed 's/\"//')

Create a resource if it not exist. For example, to create a resource group:

az group list --output tsv | grep $rsgName -q || az group create -l $regionName -n $rsgName && sleep 10

Create application insights and get the instrument key:


# Install the extension
az extension add -n application-insights

# Create
az monitor app-insights component show --output table | grep $applicationInsightsName -q || az monitor app-insights component create -a $applicationInsightsName -l $regionName --kind web -g $rsgName --application-type web

# Get key
aiInsKey=$(az monitor app-insights component show -a $applicationInsightsName -g $rsgName -o tsv | awk '{print $10}')

Get SQL Server database connection string:

connectionString=$(az sql db show-connection-string --client --name $sqlDatabaseName --output tsv)

Get Azure SignalR connection string:

signalRConnectionString=$(az signalr key list --name $signalRServiceName -g $rsgName --query primaryConnectionString -o tsv)

Get the Azure Storage Account connection string:

storageConnectionString=$(az storage account show-connection-string -n $storageAccountName -g $rsgName --output tsv)

Get the Azure App Service access URL:

appserviceDomain=$(az webapp show -n $webAppName -g $rsgName --output tsv | awk '{print $9}')
appserviceUrl=$(echo https://$appserviceDomain)

Set environment variable to function app:

az functionapp config appsettings set -g $rsgName -n $liveServiceFunctionName --settings InputQueueName="hmedia-live-input-queue"

Set environment variable to Azure app service:

az webapp config appsettings set -g $rsgName -n $webAppName --output none --settings something:something="$somevar"