Learn Linux really quick:
Control options
Command Example
Execute command one by one
command1; command2
Execute command1 background
command1 & command2
Execute command2 if 1 success
command1 && command2
Execute command2 if 1 fail
command1 || command2
Reverse the command result
Pipeline options
Command Example
Redirect the output as input to next
command1 | command2
Redirect the output and error
command1 |& command2
Stream options
Command Example
Give input to a command
command < in.txt
Readonly mode to a command
command <> in.txt
Redirect the output
command > out.txt
Redirect the output and error
command > out.txt > error.txt
Redirect the output and override
command >| out.txt
Redirect the output and append
command >> out.txt
Redirect the output and error
command &> out.txt
Pipeline example
Page view
cat NewDocument | less
Search in content
cat NewDocument | grep something
Count lines
cat NewDocument | wc -l
Foreach in lines
cat NewDocument | xargs -L1 echo
Convert to base64
echo MyString | base64
Group control
List all groups:
cat /etc/group
Create a new group:
sudo groupadd my-group
Delete a group:
sudo groupdel my-group
User control
List all users:
cat /etc/passwd
Create new user:
sudo adduser user-name
Delete a user:
sudo deluser afkay
User group control
View all groups an user belongs to:
groups user-name
View all users in a group:
grep 'group-name' /etc/group
Add an existing user to a group:
usermod -a -G example-group example-user-name
Remove an existing user from a group:
gpasswd --delete user group
Files Management
Command Example
Show Files (List View)
Show Files (Detail View)
ls -l
Show Hidden Files
ls -a
Delete File
rm filename
Delete Folder
rm foldername -rf
Move File
mv filename /some/path
Unzip File
tar zxvf ./file.tar.gz
Zip File
tar czvf file.tar.gz ./folder
Run as Administrator
sudo command
Locate command
which ping
View File
cat NewDocument.txt
Search Files
find . -name '*.txt'
(Search *.txt
in current folder)
View Folder size
du -d 3 -h
(3 is depth)
Create File
touch file
File permission
chmod 777 ./public_executable
, which isrwx
. Read, write and executable.6
which isrw-
. Read and write.5
which isr-x
Readonly executable.4
which isr--
which is-wx
(Usualy we don't use it)2
which is-w-
(Usualy we don't use it)1
which is--x
(Usualy we don't use it)0
which is---
First 3 is for owner. Second 3 is for users in the group. Last 3 is for others.
To change owner\group:
chown user ./somefile
Quick tip:
sudo find /data -type d -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod 0755 # Set all folders as 755.
sudo find /data -type f -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chmod 0644 # Set all files as 644.
sudo chown www-data:www-data ./data/ -R # Change Owner.
Copy by bytes
dd if=filesource of=target
Disk management
sudo fdisk /dev/sda
- n – Create partition
- p – print partition table
- g - reset as GPT partition table
- d – delete a partition
- q – exit without saving the changes
- w – write the changes and exit.
After creating, we can format it.
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
View mounting status:
View disk usage:
df -Th
Refresh disk size after reseting the partition table:
sudo resize2fs /dev/sdb1
Remote mounting
Edit /etc/fstab
//vault/Shared /mnt/Shared cifs user=user,pass=pass 0 0
# Disk
UUID=7dbd0682-5dc6-4a70-823c-40e37c86120e /mnt/safe_store ext4 defaults,noatime,nofail 0 0
To get UUID:
sudo blkid | grep UUID=
System monitoring
Global IO:
IO by process:
sudo htop
View Logged on Users
View Process List
Kill Process by Name
kill $(pidof windowsphone)
View my IP Address
Download File
wget https://some/file.zip
ping bing.com
Check DNS Records
dig bing.com
Command Example
curl -v https://www.baidu.com
curl -v -d 'abc' https://www.baidu.com
curl -v -d '{ }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://www.baidu.com
curl -v -X OPTIONS https://www.baidu.com
Programs and servicing
Package managing
Command Example
Install Software
sudo apt install something
Uninstall Software
sudo apt remove something
Unistall Unused Software
sudo apt autoremove
List Installed Software
sudo apt list someprefix*
View "NuGet" Source
sudo ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d
Remove "NuGet" Source
sudo rm -i /etc/apt/sources.list.d/PPA_Name.list
Command Example
Check Service Status
sudo systemctl status work996
Start a Service
sudo systemctl start work996
Stop a Service
sudo systemctl stop work996
Register a Service
sudo systemctl enable work996
Remove a Service
sudo systemctl disable work996
Create a Service
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/work996.service
Example of a custom service:
Description=Work 996
# Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes:
Command Example
App Update
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Feature Update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
Auto run commands on start up
sudo vim .profile
Add commands you want to execute, e.g:
# set .NET Core SDK and Runtime path
export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/dotnet
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet
Text editing
nano config.json
use Ctrl to invoke short cuts
vim config.json
Use :wq
to save and :q!
to quit.
micro config.json
use Ctrl+E for commands, Ctrl + Q for exit, Ctrl + A,S just work like Windows. https://micro-editor.github.io/index.html
To install:
sudo apt install tmux
Create session:
tmux new -s test # Create and enter
tmux new -s test -d "sleep 3 && echo I love you! && sleep 30" # Create and run
Leave session:
# Or
Ctrl+B D
List session:
tmux ls
Attach session:
tmux a # When only one session.
tmux a -t test # With session name.
Send command to session:
tmux send-keys -t test "echo Something!" Enter
To install:
sudo apt install screen
Create session:
echo "sleep 3 && echo I love you! && sleep 30" > ./love.sh
chmod +x ./love.sh
screen -dmS test ./love.sh
Leave session:
# Or
Ctrl+A D
List session:
screen -ls
Attach session:
screen -r test
Send command to session:
screen -S test -X stuff 'echo Something!'`echo -ne '\015'`
Steam CMD
Install steam cmd:
Don't follow Steam website's document! Those documents are suggesting you to create a new user named: steam
. That is totally unnecessary. That is because some Linux user may not follow the best practice for authentication and use root
account to run steam
. Usually for professional engineers, creating their own account is the first step.
sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update
sudo apt install lib32gcc-s1 steamcmd
After that you can directly open steamcmd via: steamcmd
Install an app, for example, project zomboid server (Inside steam cmd):
// Optional: @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
// Optional: @NoPromptForPassword 1
// Optional: force_install_dir /opt/pzserver/
login anonymous
app_update 380870 validate // Project Zomboid as an example.
Run script with steamcmd:
# This is bash!
steamcmd +runscript $HOME/update_zomboid.txt
top: Top is a command-line tool used to monitor the system processes and resource usage in real-time. It provides a dynamic overview of the system's performance, including CPU usage, memory usage, and process information.
free: Free is a command-line tool used to monitor the system memory usage. It provides an overview of the total memory available, used, and free, as well as the memory used by buffers and caches
netstat: Netstat is a command-line tool used to monitor the network connections and their status. It provides an overview of the active network connections, including the source and destination addresses, the protocol used, and the status of the connection.
iotop: Iotop is a command-line tool used to monitor the I/O usage of the system processes in real-time. It provides a dynamic overview of the I/O operations, including read and write operations, and the processes that are generating them.
iostat: Iostat is a command-line tool used to monitor the I/O performance of the system disks and devices. It provides an overview of the disk utilization, I/O wait time, and transfer rates.
htop: Htop is an interactive process monitoring tool used to monitor the system processes and resource usage. It provides a dynamic overview of the system's performance, including CPU usage, memory usage, and process information.
ifstat: Ifstat is a command-line tool used to monitor the network interface traffic and bandwidth usage. It provides an overview of the network traffic, including incoming and outgoing data rates.
iftop: Iftop is a command-line tool used to monitor the network interface traffic in real-time. It provides a dynamic overview of the network traffic, including the source and destination addresses, and the amount of data being transferred.
dstat: Dstat is a command-line tool used to monitor the system resource usage, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network traffic. It provides a dynamic overview of the system's performance in real-time.
sar: Sar is a command-line tool used to collect and report system resource usage data over time. It provides a historical overview of the system's performance, including CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O.
vmstat: Vmstat is a command-line tool used to monitor the system resource usage, including CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O. It provides a static overview of the system's performance at a specific point in time.
nmon: Nmon is a command-line tool used to monitor the system resource usage, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network traffic. It provides a dynamic overview of the system's performance in real-time.
atop: Atop is a command-line tool used to monitor the system resource usage, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network traffic. It provides a dynamic overview of the system's performance in real-time, with the ability to drill down into specific processes and threads.
glances: Glances is a command-line tool used to monitor the system resource usage, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network traffic. It provides a dynamic overview of the system's performance in real-time, with a user-friendly interface and the ability to monitor multiple systems simultaneously.
Quick Tips
Count total lines of my code
find . -name "*.cs" | xargs -L1 cat | wc -l
Get the total lines of CSharp files
find . -name "*.cs" | grep -v obj | grep -v Migrations | xargs -L1 wc -l | sort -nr
Get boot time
who -b
Get shutdown events
Get which file is the longest C# file
find . -name "\*.cs" | xargs -L1 wc -l | sort -n
Pull all repositories:
find . -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d \( ! -name . \) -exec bash -c "cd '{}' && pwd && git pull" \;
Git add only non-white-space changes
git add `git diff -w --ignore-submodules |grep "^[+][+][+]" |cut -c7-`
Test disk write speed
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/tmp count=1 bs=1G
Test transfer speed via SSH
ssh anduin@host 'dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024000 count=10' | dd of=/dev/null
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=102400 count=10 | ssh anduin@HOST 'cat > /dev/null'
Download file without wget and show downloaded file
curl https://www.baidu.com/ --output - > baidu.html && cat ./baidu.html
Heat the CPU without touching the disk
yes > /dev/null & yes > /dev/null & yes > /dev/null & yes > /dev/null & yes > /dev/null
Get new UUID and convert to base 64
uuid=$(uuidgen) && echo $uuid && mybase64=$(echo $uuid | base64) && echo $mybase64
Get random 4 numbers
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9' | fold -w 4 | head -n 1
Keep playing random video under the current folder
while true; do vlc "$(find . -name "\*.mp4" | shuf -n 1)"; done
Sync photos with limited folder depth to another folder (Copy but ignore existing)
find "/source" -maxdepth 12345 -not -type d | xargs -i cp -nv '{}' '/target'
Use DD to burn a USB boot disk (Like Windows)
sudo dd bs=4M if=~/Downloads/Win11_22H2_English_x64v1.iso of=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-USB_SanDisk_3.2Gen1_-0:0 conv=fdatasync status=progress
Go to Prison
sudo rm / -rvf --no-preserve-root
文章末尾的一些实用脚本(如同步照片、批量git pull等)展示了通过bash脚本自动化日常任务的潜力。我想知道这些脚本在实际使用中是否还有优化空间,或者是否有其他类似的场景可以应用这些技巧。
This blog post serves as a handy Linux cheatsheet for Windows users, providing a comprehensive list of commands and examples for various tasks. The author has effectively organized the content into sections, such as package managing, service operations, updates, text editing, and quick tips, making it easy for readers to locate the information they need.
I appreciate the author's effort to include examples of a custom service, as well as various text editors like nano, vim, and micro. The inclusion of Tmux and Screen for session management is also valuable, as it demonstrates how these tools can be utilized effectively.
The quick tips section is particularly helpful, offering a wide range of practical commands for tasks such as counting lines of code, testing disk write speed, and even playing random videos in a folder. These tips can undoubtedly save time and effort for Linux users.
However, there are a few areas where the blog post can be improved. Firstly, the formatting of the commands and examples could be more consistent, making it easier to read and understand. Additionally, some explanations for certain commands may benefit from more context or background information, especially for readers who are new to Linux.
Overall, this blog post is an excellent resource for Windows users transitioning to Linux or those looking to expand their knowledge of Linux commands. With some minor improvements in formatting and explanations, it can become an even more valuable reference for Linux enthusiasts. Keep up the good work!